Daniel's name up in lights for 35,000 people to see! Thanks Grandpa!
While the boys took in the game, the girls took in some rays! We had a great time hanging out in the pool and walking around downtown!
Carousel ride on the waterfront!
Jon had the brilliant idea to walk through the water fountain with the kids, they walked around Seattle with wet clothes for the rest of the day!
We were able to meet up with my little brother Ben, who will be a junior at Seattle Pacific University. He showed us around his campus and his big pink house which he shares with four other guys, and they all sleep in one room so the other rooms can be used for a game room, office and changing room - Oh the college life!
Ben took us to this amazing park which was right on the water and overlooked the city. Airplanes flew right overhead and landed on the water, it was incredible, we didn't want to leave. Ben taught the kids how to slide down hills on cardboard boxes and how to climb up on dangerously high structures. What are uncles for anyway?