Saturday, November 17, 2007

Just Call Me Super Mom

I have to apologize to my dear blog-friends out there (and the grandparents, aunts and count too). I have been away from blog world for over a week now! I feel so out of touch, and I am looking forward to catching up and reading all of your blogs.

Where have I been? Disneyland? The beach? A week filled with too much fun to blog? Well, let's just say it's been a week I hope to never repeat. It all started last Saturday when Sarah woke me up in the middle of the night, and I rushed her to the bathroom. I held back her hair and rubbed her back, and told her she was going to be ok. When she finished throwing up, I promptly gave her a glass of water, and gently wiped her face. This repeated about seven times before morning. Sarah was sick for about three days. Then it was Olivia's turn. I stayed up all through the night with her Tuesday night. Trying to catch the puke in a bowl, washing sheets, washing it out of her hair, washing her face and comforting her until she would stop crying and fall back asleep. I didn't even need to set the alarm, by the time 6:00 am rolled in I had already been up for hours. It was off to work. Jon took care of Olivia during the day,and when I got home he headed off to work. Well, Thursday (Olivia's still sick) about 3:00 pm, it hit ME like a rumbling tornado. I ran to the bathroom and took my turn driving the porcelain bus. But I didn't even have time to recuperate, as the kids needed to be picked up at 3:30 from school. When we got home, I was back in the bathroom driving the bus. I can't remember the last time I was so sick. As this continued all through the night, I began to feel sorry for myself. Oh how I wished there was someone there to feel sorry for me, to hold my hair back for me, or get me a glass of water, or even a towel to wipe my face. But no, a mom has to take care of herself. The next morning my husband came stumbling through the door saying he had to come home from work early because he was so sick. As he laid in bed repeating what I had just gone through the night before, I painfully got the kids ready for school and in the car. I tried not to resent Jon as he laid in bed all day Friday, and even though I was still very sick, I took care of Olivia, picked the kids up from school, did the dishes, washed dirty sheets, and made dinner. And so I bestow upon myself the well-deserved title of Super Mom. As I type this, Jon is still in bed sick and Daniel has thrown up nine times today. I will sleep in a sleeping bag on Daniel's floor, so when he wakes up I will be there to make sure he makes it to the bathroom, I will rub his back, and tell him he's doing good, I will get him a drink of water, and yes...I will gently wipe his face with a clean towel like only a Super Mom can.


Sharon said...

I heartily second the nomination of yourself for "Super Mom." So sorry for the horrible week! I hope you are all on the mend now! That's no fun.

Michelle said...

My vote is with you as well! I can totally relate. Motherhood certainly has it's benefits... but weeks like that really stink! Hope you are all back on your feet really soon. Blessings

Lindsay said...

OH Liz! Praying for healing, comfort & rest for ALL of you!!
Hang in there SuperMom!! You're a trooper - and God will reward you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Liz I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying everyone gets better ASAP!
Love you!

Stefanie said...

OH MY GOLLY! I wish I had a Hawaii ticket for you right now! That is the worst sick story I have heard in a long time. I hope you are all better for I dare mention food?

I can see why you were gone for awhile, but I wished we could have known to pray!

Jen said...

Man, I have been there!!

Hey, a bit of "puke advice" from the Green/Witham household. My mom always said that you shouldn't drink directly after throwing up, but only rinse your mouth out with water. The quick sip of water can cause more uproar in the healing of the walls of the tummy. Wait 1 hour, then give one tblsp of water, wait 15 mins, add another, etc. Even though the person who's just gotten sick is desperate for hydration, sometimes it makes the cycle go longer than needed.

Just some advice, and I've found it has helped the violence of raging vomit to slow down a bit during the flu. Sorry to be so graphic...I know to each his own puke standards.

Hang in there Garlands!

momaof4 said...

You are Super MOM for sure!! Oh, I admire you for sleeping in their rooms...that makes you a super mom in my book any day.
Having a big family is fun....but times like this they seem to last forever, and you just know everyone is goign to get sick.
Hang in there. Sounds like the end is in sight!

Unknown said...

Oh no! That's the WORST kind of sick...I'm so sorry you've all be so sick. I hope you all feel better soon...

Ona said...

Liz, sorry to hear this...went through this myself with the kids. Luckily I didn't get it! Poor are a great mom!!!

Glory Laine said...

Ugg! I am so sorry. And just why the heck do men give themselves permission to have sick days? Hoping today was a better day.

Rachel said...

I'm a little late, but I am hoping everyone is feeling better now! Sounds like a really rough week....but just think, you can all eat as much as you want at Thanksgiving this week and not worry about the calories!!

Julie said...

I'm so sorry that this stomach "bug" made its way through ALL of you!! We all got it last year, and it stinks!

My Mom told me a long time ago... before I was ever even married with kids, "Sometimes it's rough being the Mom". Can I get an amen to that?

You ARE a super mom!!!

February Jill said...

My mother told me that men are just grown up little boys, that must be why they feel like an additional child when they are sick and unhelpful when we're sick. Hang in there!

HappyMomma2 said...

LizzyG-you rock. I feel so horribly bad for you. God will bless you for being so wonderful. You are an amazing woman. Hopefully sometime soon you will get a day in bed!