Monday, April 21, 2008


I became a mom.
And what a beautiful day it was. God blessed Jon and I with a precious gift, our Daniel Travis. He is such a treasure, and even now as he turns eleven, he is still my little buddy. He's a night owl just like me, and we have had many wonderful conversations late into the night. He's a thinker, and he shares his thoughts freely. I enjoy hearing everything that's on his mind. He's honest, he always tells us when he's done something wrong. He loves to read. He loves to think up new inventions. He has some great ideas of what he would do if he was president. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up, and has promised to buy Jon and I a vacation home when he does. He has a strong sense of justice, and doesn't stay silent when he sees something wrong. And even though he hates to practice, he is a gifted pianist. He's my little boy (even though he's almost as tall as me), and I love him so very much.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL!!!Jon holding Daniel for the first time

This picture makes me laugh. It reminds me of one of my favorite memories: Jon and I giving Daniel his first bath. It took us about 20 minutes to get everything set up and the water temperature just right. Then we got out our trusted Baby Book and read step by step directions on how to give a baby a bath. Poor guy, he was our test run. But he seems to be turning out OK.
And one more thing....It was 10 years ago today, on Daniel's 1st Birthday, Jon and I looked dumbfounded at the positive pregnancy test on our coffee table! Yep, a sweet little girl was on the way, which didn't quite fit into our "4 year gap between kids plan". God had a different plan, and we're so glad He did!


Michelle said...

How very very sweet! You and Jon are were so innocent. Happy Birthday to Daniel! Have a great week.

Sharon said...

Happy birthday, Daniel!

What great pictures! They very much remind me of my hospital pictures after my first born. Isn't it amazing to see how God "grew" us right along with our babies! What a wonderful journey parenthood is....most of the time! : )

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Liz, you and Jon look so sweet holding him and looking at him, all these pictures are precious!!

momaof4 said...

What sweet kids you have. It is amazing how fast they grow. And how tall!!!!

Jen said...

Love This. I need to get Colby's birthday blog done this week...this has inspired me to get it done.

Happy Birthday Daniel!!

PS. I think you look like naturals from day one. :)

Angela said...


Angela said...

OOPS I wasnt done yet!

I remember when Daniel was born and how exciting that day was!!!

I miss you Liz!!!

And you know what else I was thinking about this morning.... 10 years ago today was Jon B. funeral. Has it really been that long?

LizzyG said...

You're right Angela, I will never forget that day. It was such a sad day, yet his memorial service was so reassuring that we will see him again. I also will never forget getting sick in the middle of service out at the Mt. Angel(?) cemetary. On our way home, Jon and I stopped and bought a pregnancy test...that was the day I found out I was pregnant with Sarah.

I miss you too! I'm sorry I've been out of touch lately.

Ona said...

Happy birthday Daniel!!!

God blessed you with a beautiful family.

P.S. Want to run soon?

Rachel said...

You look so beautiful holding your brand new baby!

Your son is so lucky to have such a wonderful mother. It is so special that you appreciate all his great qualities.

Happy Birthday Daniel Travis! I hope you have a wonderful year!

Lindsay said...

Your words and those pictures are so sweet. The story about you guys giving him his first bath made me laugh! I can relate!!

Happy Birthday to your precious son!

Stefanie said...

OH man, I love babies and just loved the little bit that you indulged about Daniel's b-day.

He seems like such a great kid! I love your relationship with him.

Glad to see a new post too!

Kailin said...

I love to read your words (I lurk in from Angelas blog now and then) we seem to share a very similar oldest is almost 10 and while we were quite shocked about being pregnant, what a treasure and blessing she is. Isn't amazing what God can do?

Thanks for sharing your self and your heart...I often am so encouraged by your words!

Tiffany said...

I love the looks of awe the new parents have on their faces as they look at their little bundle.

The Journey to Home said...

HA! This is a great blog...I almost laughed b/c I just did the same idea for M's birthday and then I read yours ")...what can I say? Great minds think alike! This is a wonderful post :). And you are Blessed!