Friday, July 20, 2007

Wish We Could Celebrate

Today is my brother's birthday

He would be 34 today

My heart hurts

My mind questions

Where would he be?

What would he be doing?

I would give him a gift and a hug

I would tell him I love him

He would make a witty remark to end the sappy moment

Wish he was here

Wish we could be together today

Wish we could celebrate I can't end on such a sad note. Here is a picture sure to bring some laughs. Umm...could my hair be any bigger? This picture was taken on the day of Jeremy's high school graduation in 1991, I was 14...that explains a lot!

I love this picture. My two older brothers and I, all decked out in our matching PJ's. We were three peas in a pod, and we stuck together. Thanks to these two boys I learned everything I needed to know about playing tackle football, catching snakes, how to give a good Indian burn, playing GI Joe action figures, shooting BB guns, and yes, even experiencing the pain of being hit by one. You know, I gave birth to three children, drugs. I truly believe that if I didn't have two older brothers that would never have happened. Why? High pain tolerance!!! From the time I was a toddler, my brothers bestowed on me the gift of high pain tolerance. I had to be tough to hang with the boys! I'll never forget watching Jeremy practice his swing with his baseball bat, and all of the sudden, wham! He accidentally hit me right across the forehead. I guess I was standing too close. This is just one of many examples. Life with Jeremy was never dull. He was always making us laugh, even as adults. It's funny, looking back through all of our old pictures, Jeremy always had a smile on his face. And although I miss him every day, I am thankful God gave me such an incredible older brother. I am so thankful for the time that we had together. I only wish I would have known there wasn't going to be very much. But you, O God, do see trouble and grief
~Psalms 10:14
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
~Psalms 147:3


Angela said...

Oh liz I love those pictures and I will be praying for you.
The picture in my head of you getting nailed in the forehead with a baseball bat made me laugh out loud as I had tears streaming down my face.
I love you my dear friend!

Rachel said...

This was the whole reason I started reading your blog from the beginning. Today after listening to the "sad" music, I tried to figure out what song it have so many. So I started reading about your music and why you have all the songs on your blog. My heart hurt for you with the story about being 19 and pregnant and so upset. But when I read about your brother, I felt like it was mine, and it brought tears to my eyes. I just don't know what words to say. You are a wonderful person and I can see what a great family you grew up with. I'm so sorry that you lost your brother so young. I hope that because you've been willing to share, I can appreciate my family more.