Friday, December 12, 2008

Move over Hugh Jackman!

People Magazine got it wrong! My man puts this guy to shame!!! Let me explain:

Wednesday morning I woke up not feeling so well. My throat was sore, I felt achy and weak all over. I shrugged it off and went to work anyway. Well, about halfway through my day, I felt horrible! In fact by the time 5:00 rolled around I was praying, "Lord, just take me now." I was miserable. Shaking with chills, burning up with a fever, horrible body aches, etc. And two things came to my mind:
1. After going down three flights of stairs, it is a 10 minute walk from my office to my car and the thought of getting up from my desk and just walking down the hall seemed unbearable.

2. I was a complete idiot, and wore these shoes to work:(I took this picture while I was in Texas to show you how crazy I was for wearing these heels for 12 hours. And yes, I'm able to access some of my old pictures now! Oh, and I checked out a loaner laptop from the University...Hooray!)

Now let me pause for a moment and explain to you I am by no means a wimpy person. I've given birth 3 times...naturally, no drugs. I've been skydiving, I've ran 2 half marathons while not being in very good shape. I rarely complain when I'm sick. But this time was different. I wimped out. I called my dear sweet husband, who was right in the middle of making dinner for us, and asked, "can you please come pick me up and drive me to my car?" He hesitated for a moment and said, "you want me to drive all the way to your work, so you don't have to walk to your car?" I explained to him how sick I was and I really needed him to do this for me...and he did it, without another hesitation. Now, that is a SEXY man! (In case you're still thinking, "I can't believe how demanding she is to ask her husband to do that", I did have 103 degree fever when I got home. So, I felt somewhat justified.)
Right now it's a little past 1:00 am. As I type this, I'm listening to the police scanner and can hear my husband's voice. (He's on a traffic stop on the corner of Commercial & Chemeketa). So far tonight he's made two arrests, responded to a domestic disturbance, and a bar fight involving 8 males. I love falling asleep to the sound of the scanner. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night right when I hear, "Sierra 549" (that's Jon). I'll smile, listen to what's going on, and go back to sleep. Anyways, I type all this to say, if People Magazine were to take my vote for "The Sexiest Man Alive", I would give them a much better candidate. My guy does laundry, washes dishes, cooks dinner, picks up kids from school, reads Princess stories AND breaks up bar fights.


Michelle said...

That is the SWEETEST post I have ever read! Your love and admiration for Jon is infectious... makes me want to admire my husband more!

Janna said...

Awwwwww, how sweet!

And, Oh My Gosh! You are insane if you really wore those heels for an entire day! YIKES!

Rachel said...

He really is a wonderful husband...and you poor thing, I hope you feel better now!
I have to admit, when Scott worked graveyard (years and years ago), I use to fall asleep listening to the scanner too! I would love to know what he was doing all night. Scott sometimes had to turn it off when he got home in the morning and went to bed.

Unknown said...

Missed you at the Christmas party today! Jon said you weren't feeling well, I'm hoping you're at least feeling a little better.

I used to listen to the scanner when Eddie worked at night too, but then he got in his accident and I narrowly missed hearing it on the scanner, at home, alone. Since then, I don't listen to it when hes not here.

Tiffany said...

Oh my...princess books. That just might seal the deal...move over Hugh!

Angela said...

You and your shoes!!! Your are such a sexy mama!!
I agree you do have a great husband!

Unknown said...

How great it is to know that we have been blessed with husbands that go beyond "sexiest man alive". I just love seeing others happy and enjoying life, their children and even more so their marriages.
Merry Cmas a little late.