Friday, May 23, 2008

Western Days!

Today was Western Day at school. Why? I couldn't tell you. But the kids had fun dressing up for it. And like I've said before, Daniel is incapable of giving a natural smile for the camera.
On a completely random side note, let me share with you one of my greatest pleasures... it's called, "the laundry walk".

I did it this morning like I do so many other mornings.

I walk through the house, going through every bedroom, both bathrooms, the kitchen, the living room, the front room, and I gather up each and every piece of dirty laundry.

Oh the indescribable joy when all the darks fit into the washer making a full load, and I have all the whites sitting in the laundry basket waiting patiently for their turn to be washed. Every article of dirty laundry is accounted for! Before I walk out the door, I put the darks in the dryer and the whites in the wash. And for that brief fleeting moment, all is right in the world.


Rachel said...

Cute Western Day pic! You have cutest kids ever!
And I understand and can relate to the joy of having all the laundry done...and everything as it should be. Ahhhhh....

Anonymous said...

Super cute western outfits! I bet they had a blast.

I also enjoy getting all the laundry done. I can't rest until it's all folded and put away.

Tiffany said...

I can't imagine what the laundry walk is like with 3 kiddos and a husband! I have to hire a bulldozer each time for just one kiddo and a hubby.

Ona said...

Hooray for getting the laundry done. Never ending task...I hate it! Well, maybe not as much as dishes.

Angela said...

Totally missing you and what is going on in your fam!!! Hope all is well we will talk soon!