Sunday, December 2, 2007


I'm sitting here on my comfy couch in my fuzzy Oregon State sweatshirt (sorry Jill) and my flannel pj pants, sipping Moroccan mint tea - my favorite! And there is no place I'd rather be. I love being home. This past weekend was a whirlwind, and I'm glad it's over. I have just returned from the NCSS (national council of social studies) conference in San Diego. I am too tired to recount all the details, so I will leave you with a few pictures. Since I'm sure you were all waiting with great anticipation to hear about my trip :)

Yes, such a nice little set-up isn't it? I did that, thank you very much. I spent 18 hours standing in this booth talking to high school teachers about how to integrate our materials into their social studies curriculum....umm yeah. When no one was in our booth, I would frantically read the summaries of each book and try to memorize key phrases so I could repeat them back to people, and sound like I knew what I was talking about
This is what it looked like outside. Cold and windy, with pouring rain on Friday. Do you know why I was most disappointed about the rain? I wasn't able to wear my favorite peep toe pumps....I brought three different pairs. Good thing I had back-ups though, you can never pack too many shoes!
Number 3 favorite part of my trip:
The coffee maker in my room made incredible tasting coffee. Maybe it was because I used the $5 a bottle water to make it :)

Number 2 favorite part:
This glorious bed....simply amazing. I hated getting up in the morning.Number 1 - all time - absolute favorite part of my trip:
Seeing my good friend Janel and her family. She is an amazing, uplifting, wonderful person. And any time I am able to spend with her is a good time. And we had such a great visit together. I will post more about her and her adorable little boys later. Oh, and she is Ona's sister-n-law and is thinking about starting her own blog. So hopefully you will all get to know her and her family very well real soon.


Sharon said...

Thanks for the re-cap, you working girl! Those conferences are crazy~did a few of those during my working years. Does make that bed and the $5 coffee seem so inviting! And what a bonus to be able to visit with a friend! That's awesome~but nothing's as awesome as being home! Welcome back!

Lindsay said...

WOW... sure wish I could have snuck in with your luggage or something... :)

Glad you had a great time... but I know your kids are liking having their mommy back!

Michelle said...

Happy to hear that you made it home safely... now your daughter can rest at night. ;-)

I am off on a business trip today.. so give me a day or two and I will be feeling similar feelings... home sweet home! :-)

Ona said...

Glad you got a chance to meet up with Janell. I got your e-mail, thanks for the pictures. Enjoy your time to rest because tomorrow is going to be brutal. We are either going to get really drenched or blow over before we finish our run :)

LizzyG said...

I can't wait Ona!!!

momaof4 said...

What a bed! That is amazing... Very classy.

Hope your run went well with Ona!!

Glory Laine said...

Ahhhhh! Janell! So good to see her boys and her big smile. Yes. She must start a blog.

Rachel said...

You look so professional and the booth looks great! I'm glad you made it home safe and sound and happy to be there!

Angela said...

So glad you are home safe and sound!
I so happy that you were able to spend time with Janell! I was wondering of you would get to see her!!!
Anyway I hope you are having a great day!
This is a special week for you isn't it????? :)

February Jill said...


Liz we were just so close to being bosom buddies, or kindred spirits as my friend Ann Shirley likes to say...
We both love God and our kids and our husbands and volleyball. You run and I aspire to...
Well I am not ready to break up with you just yet. I am willing to attempt to convert you and save our friendship.
Just kidding, I don't really care! I just grew up near Eugene and naturally cheered for the Ducks. The only time I was an out-for-blood fan was while my brother was there and that's been a few years. You're still my online-never-met BFF!

LizzyG said...

Oh Jill, you have me laughing out loud right now! I love the way you write, you are so witty. Thank you for not putting an end to our online relationship! I too am not a die hard Beaver fan, so I will still celebrate with you when the Ducks win. I hope you had a fun and relaxing weekend!

Arminda said...

People who think that Liz is pretty cool for heading to San Diego and winging it through a conference: Me. :)

Is there anything you can't do, supermom?

On a different note, I made gravy last night, and it was terrible. I bet you're good at making gravy...

Arminda said...

Oh, and help! I don't know whether to call you Liz or Elizabeth in work emails. Please advise.
The Hottie in Gatke 202

Jen said...

Liz...I am impressed!!

Way to pull it all off. I know how intimidating running a booth like that at a conference can be. I did it once when I was 20, I totally know the feeling of "having to read the books" in between guests. It's crazy. I see a great future for you in the business world!

Still so bummed out it rained when you were here in So Cal... SO LAME!!

Janell looks familiar? Was she a RIOT girl?

Okay...peace and love, I've got to study. Papers to write. Jen

Stefanie said...

That looked pretty fun - and a little pampering in the hotel. I enjoy some alone time. Not quite as fun as me, Jill and Becca's shopping extravaganza with no work and all play! Glad you are home safe!

Unknown said...

I am just like you, Home is my very favorite place to be! I'm so glad you had a good trip and got to meet up with a friend! Donna said she had lots of fun with the kids. :)